It is always a good practice to check out University and Course level Rankings to make an informed choice as they provide a general idea of a university's reputation and performance. Some of the positive aspects covered by rankings are- 

  • Reputation: Higher-ranked universities often have strong academic programs, renowned faculty, and well-established research opportunities. 
  • Employability: Graduating from a highly-ranked university can sometimes provide an advantage in the job market due to the institution's reputation.
  •  Networking: Prestigious universities might offer better networking opportunities, connecting you with influential alumni and potential future collaborators.
  •  Research Opportunities: Higher-ranked institutions often have better funding and resources for research, which can be crucial if you're interested in research-oriented programs. 

However, Rankings don't always reflect the best fit for your individual goals, preferences, and academic needs. When shortlisting universities, it's important to balance rankings with other factors: 

  • Programs Offered: Ensure the universities on your list offer the academic programs you're interested in. 
  • Location: Consider whether the university is located in a place you would enjoy living in, both culturally and geographically.
  • Cost and Scholarships: Evaluate the affordability of the program and explore scholarship opportunities. 
  • Campus Life: Research the campus environment, student organizations, and extracurricular activities that align with your interests. Faculty Expertise: Look into the faculty members in your chosen field and their areas of expertise. 
  • Accreditation: Verify that the university is accredited and recognized in your field of study. 
  • Employment Opportunities: Every course has varied placement opportunities. Make sure the course you are applying to has a good placement history for graduated students.

Below are some of the popular rankings that students can refer to:

1. US News

2. Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)

3. Times Higher Education (THE)

4. Shanghai Rankings